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Search for Product Managers

Building an effective search engine from both a user and business perspective is a technical and functional challenge. The goal of this training is to provide Product Managers leading a Search team with the fundamentals of search engines.

Evaluation: ★★★★★

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Kibana - Data Analysis with the ELK Stack

Complete training on Kibana, covering topics such as search, visualization, and interaction with your data.

Evaluation: ★★★★★

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Unleashing search engines potential with RAG

A practical training to fully power-up your search engines with Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG).

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Elasticsearch for software developers

This training covers everything you need to master Elastisearch as a software developer.

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OpenSearch for software developers

This training covers everything you need to master OpenSearch as a software developer.

Evaluation: ★★★★½

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Apache Solr, Solr Cloud and Zookeeper

This training covers everything you need to master Apache Solr and Zookeeper as a developer.

Evaluation: ★★★★★

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Elasticsearch for eCommerce

This training covers all the aspects of Elasticsearc integration as a search engine for your ecommerce use cases.

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OpenSearch for DevOps

Data Ingestion, Data Analysis and Data Visualisation for Observability, Security and Reporting use cases with Open Search. Installation, configuration, tunning and monitoring of your OpenSearch clusters.

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Elasticsearch and NLP

This training consists of an introduction to modern NLP techniques and their use within Elasticsearch.

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